N5VLZ > ALL 27.08.24 13:33z 259 Lines 8852 Bytes #38 (0) @ WW
BID : 10595_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE AUG 26 2024
Sent: 240827/1323Z 10595@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
NT5R, Charley, Missouri
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
Our next net holiday is next Monday, Sept. 2,
for Labor Day...the PCL Net will be off that
night. I will send out a message when I post
the scribe for tonight's net as a reminder, and
that likely will be done sometime on Tuesday.
Our next net holidays after next week are the
ones for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
The rest of my comments are in the scribe to
save time, and to make it easier on the eyes
of all on the net; plus it'll get folks to
read the messages. I'm too tired to type,
Comments From N5VLZ:
A fellow ham radio operator is going to take me
to an area food bank before sunrise on Thursday,
to get me some items. It's a good thing, as I
likely will run out of food before my next
disability payment arrives, otherwise. After all
the August bills are paid, I might have $12 left
in the bank. A friend offered to get me some
funds, but I told him that the government gets
suspicious when they see anything besides the
disability payment going in. I have no sympathy
for these greedy fools who lament that they can
not survive on over $300,000 a year...they don't
have a clue!!
My diet of peanut butter and sugar free jelly
sandwiches with hot buttered popcorn, is getting
old. The last time I went to a food bank, most all
the stuff was expired, and if that's the case, I
won't get anything. He's also going to help me get
the cover off the keyless door lock battery
compartment, so I can change out the 9 volt battery.
If it dies, I will be locked out, and the last time
that occurred, it cost me $200 for an emergency
locksmith call.
Another friend is going to take care of the legal
work on getting affidavits for my late brother's
assets...but I won't see him until Friday. However,
we're supposed to have thunderstorms here Friday
through Labor Day, so that may mess up my nets, and
any computer work for a bit. I'm supposed to release
a square dance publication next Sunday evening, but
weather may delay it.
I found another black ink cartridge I can use for
the printer, to go with a color cartridge that I
already have...but with being out of paper, it does
me no good. But, I won't be able to get any more
until next month, and I need to print off the exams
I downloaded with the Exam Tools software. The
printers aren't so bad in cost, but the ink is...
especially considering that Canon and Hewlitt-Packard
have it set where you can't use generic ink cartridges
in their printers, otherwise they stop working. Another
example of corporate greed.
I spent much of today updating a square dance website,
and my personal homepage with Gospel Poetry. The domain
expires next month, so I have to renew it, to avoid losing
all that, especially the ham radio related files. The
computer was real slow today...must be Monday (hi hi).
Apparently, hams may lose portions of the 900 Mhz band to
other entities. I have to wonder how many folks use anything
besides 440 (70 cm). I know there aren't many on 1.25m (220).
GE All!
Another uneventful week.
My complaint is, this year going by way too fast! I had a
bunch of painting projects on my to-do list - I've got one
(1) almost finished!
On the radio front, I picked up a new receiver - call an ATS25
max Decoder ii - kind of cute - not expensive - but then it
shows in that regard too. Fun to play with though!
Rick, sorry for you loss, and congrats on 51 years! That's
showin' 'em how to do it!
GE All,
Not a bad week. It is still too hot, but in the early morning,
it has been cool enough, that I can start going for walks again.
I have been taking my HT and calling "foot mobile" ... but so
far, no QSOs. I will keep trying.
I spent some time setting up my AMPRNET server, and have things
at least working ... but I am sure I will keep messing with the
If you are curious, I have a web server at bbs.kx4ac.ampr.org
( and if you really want a blast from the past, I
have "Gopher" as well.
The web site is nothing special, just some ham-related files,
local Florida weather reports, and Florida rocket launch
schedules. It is fairly plain, because I want it to be
more-or-less radio friendly.
Sorry about your loss, Rick, but also congratulations on the
The talk about "yes, dear" reminds me that years ago, when my
Dad would say "yes, dear", one of the nephews would invariably
chime in with "say no dear, grandpa!". Dad never did, of course,
but Mom told me once that they had an agreement that Dad could
call her a "battle ax" any time he wanted. Never heard him do
that, though. Wow ... that was quite a while ago.
oops...caps lock..
It was a busy couple of weeks, week before last we had to drive
to Vancouver for our Nephew's memorial. He passed from a heart
attack at 45. The drive down was long...nine hours, with stops
for meals and fuel, and traffic jams. I have had it with large
cities, give me the country any day. There was a lot of family
there, I didn't remember names, or recognize most folks, and it
was probably the same for us as well, but it went as well as can
be expected...a sad occasion for my Sister.
Yesterday, was Arlene and my 51st wedding anniversary, and we
had a quiet day, with some friends dropping by for coffee, and
we just went out and picked up some hot fudge sundaes. We have
an anniversary dinner booked for tomorrow evening though.
On the radio front, 40M has been crappy for my usual morning
PACTOR message sessions, 20M has been a bit better. The only
other modes I have been playing with are the usual weekday
evening OLIVIA 16/1K NET on 3.598.
The time in-between has been spent mostly reading sci-fi novels.
Thanks for the condolence and congratulation comments!
ge everyone
Rick, condolences for your nephew. Congrats on your anniversary.
Carl, the foot mobile is fun, and SOMETIMES you get a response.
Hot here today, high 97.9 F, but humidity 14%, so not too
uncomfortable, already down to 92!
Been playing with MultiPSK software, does about everything, but
steep learning curve.
Joplin hamfest was good, Scott WAV not get there, but catch him
another time. Saw several friends from Joplin club, several over
from Branson area.
LDG tuner "new in box" tempted me too much. Be handy for mobile
Thank you Daryl and Bob for everything.
GE Daryl and all!
Rick, also send condolences for your nephew. Too young...
Daryl, sorry but I was just teasing you when I made a comment
about the length of your posts at the beginning of each net!
That said, how do I get access to the net notes (scribe)?
I've been having trouble with erratic operation using Quansheng
radio, with 3rd party firmware and an "all-in-one" cable, so I
reloaded the firmware and got an older version of Quenshang dock
(32.8x). Seems to be working now. Will give it a full test later
tonight with a PC and winlink express and connect to a local VHF
Thanks to you and Bob for making the net possible.
Replies From N5VLZ (as I can recall them):
Bob (NY), hard to believe it's almost September. The to-do list
never ends. FB on the new "cute" receiver.
Carl, FB on the foot mobile...Charley is right...just keep
trying. Also, FB on the web page...I like to keep mine simple,
as my HTML knowledge is very basic.
Rick, condolences on the loss of your nephew, but congratulations
on the anniversary. Loved your "Green Acres" comment (hi hi). The
hot fudge sundaes sound good...enjoy the anniversary dinner. I was
wondering how HF conditions had been. I was never much of a bookworm,
but my late XYL loved the sci-fi stuff. On the anniversary, I heard
of a couple who had celebrated a similar milestone, and the OM said
the secret was that he always said 2 words to his XYL: "Yes, dear"
(hi hi).
Charley, FB on the Joplin hamfest...and you can find lots of items
that will tempt you there (hi hi). Most everything nowadays has a
steep learning curve.
Bob (OK), I was just too tired to type, plus the computer was being
very difficult today. After the Puns Net, I'm going straight to bed.
As for the scribe, while the email is good on QRZ, I have the data
from the month of August...you can email me at either n5vlz@arrl.net
or n5vlz@winlink.org -- I only check the Winlink once a week, but
forgot to do so before the net tonight. Hope you get the Quensheng
radio issues worked out.
For everyone, happy to do the net each week...everyone have a safe
Labor Day, and we'll see you on September 9.
Daryl, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more info.
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