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N5VLZ  > ALL      10.09.24 01:00z 298 Lines 9566 Bytes #52 (0) @ WW
BID : 11272_NS2B
Sent: 240910/0049Z 11272@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop/Early Checkin)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida (Early Checkin)
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada



GE everyone and welcome to the Sep. 9, 2024 PCL Net. 
Early checkins from Bob, NS2B, and Carl, KX4AC. 

Net order is Daryl, Scott, Bob, Rick, and whoever 
else shows up.

My full comments are in the scribe to save time (as 
well as the other early checkins), and to make it 
easier on the eyes of all on the net. I have past 
net scribes only from August, 2024. In my having to 
reinstall Outpost, no other prior net scribes are 
available. If you want a summary of them, please 
email me at -- I am glad that I 
saved the setup hints file, so that made the Outpost 
reinstallation much easier!! This paragraph will be 
the only thing that I will copy and paste tonight...
as I may royally screw things up otherwise (hi hi).



Nothing new to report here.

Getting packed up for the NASCAR weekend. The weather 
looks evenings. I probably should 
take a hoody or 2 (hi hi).

Radio wise, nothing new happening here. A couple of 
local guys are starting to develop an interest in HF 
packet. We'll see how far that goes. Got the node 
hooked up pretty solid into Scotland recently.

That's about it for me!! >>>



GE all! It is hard to believe it has been a month again, 
but it is time for my local ham radio club meeting, so I 
am sending my post by email this week.

The Melbourne hamfest is on October 11, so this month's 
club meeting is dedicated to organizing that. I am sure 
they are still looking for volunteers, probably for 
everything. In past years I helped man the talk-in 
station, so I may do that again. I love going to the 
hamfests, and seeing all the junk for sale, but there is 
always so much I wish I could buy, that I wind up not 
buying anything, except an overpriced hamburger!! Sometimes, 
there is a forum I am interested in, but the forum list is 
not out yet.

We got some good news for our packet station this week. We 
got our end up and running last month, but we had poor 
connectivity, because both of our south-going peers also 
went off the air. One of them is now back up, so we have 
much better access to incoming bulletins.

I guess that's about all for tonight. I hope you are all well. 
73, KX4AC back to net >>> 



I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.
Our next net holiday isn't until Thanksgiving Week, then
we're off for Christmas and New Years Week.

I'm not going back to a Food Bank ever again. They mean 
well, but this is the second time I have been burned with 
expired/rotten food, and I had to throw so much out (never 
mind that I was nearly eaten alive by mosquitoes). So now, 
I'll do my gardening at the area Kroger and Wal-Mart stores 
(hi hi). Plus, what this Food Bank had was far too much for 
just one person, and my icebox wasn't big enough for all of 

It was a nice weekend, with highs in the 70s and lows in the 
50s. The remnants of what will be Hurricane Francine will 
affect Arkansas on Thursday, but the worst will be south and 
east of Little Rock. We do need the rain, as we're under 
moderate to high fire danger, with some burn bans...but too 
much rain at harvest time is bad for the farmers.

On Facebook, I saw a hilarious T-Shirt, that a ham had bought 
at the Huntsville Hamfest in August...noting "I'd do more 
housework, but my wife keeps taking me to these [darn] 
hamfests". That goes with the T-Shirt that notes "Do Not Try 
To Cure This Ham" (hi hi). The thing is, the ink has about
washed out of the shirt. I was in silkscreen printing for at
least 18 years, and I guess it depends on the way the garment
is printed.

A friend had prepared a new computer for me...but the string
for the activation key was different than the software, so it 
was worthless (never mind I wasn't about to pay Microsoft $200 
for a new license). He is sending a new setup...a new UPS, an 
HDMI cable, and a nice headset mic, which was part of the stuff, 
arrived around midday Monday, and the rest (a W11 Pro system with 
a mouse and keyboard), should be here by Thursday. Support for 
W10 ends in just over a year. He also sent some paper, so I can 
print up a few things, but I'll need to get more ink next month. 
At least October should be the last time I'll need lawn mowing 
until the spring. The new BBS software (GT Power 20) will run 
with DOSBOX, so the legacy doors should be able to run under 
Windows 11 (at least I hope so). He will pick up the "worthless 
setup" when he comes back through the area in October.

I understand they had at least 80 vendors and flea market tables 
at the 54th Annual Mena Hamfest at Queen Wilhelmina State Park 
in west Arkansas this past weekend; it was a record for them; they 
had great weather and attendance (it is the oldest hamfest west of 
the Mississippi River). One of the hams is trying to revive a chapter 
of the QCWA in Arkansas; I hope it'll be the one in Little Rock. I'm 
already their VHF+ Net Manager, and Net Control for their Sunflower 
Net on Saturday morning, and their Digital Net on Sunday afternoon. 
I also am checking into maybe doing the audio version of their Journal 
for HandiHams, done for the visually impaired. It looks like I again 
will be guilty of violating the N.A.V.Y. command -- to Never Again 
Volunteer Yourself (hi hi).


GE, was your week?? >>>



GE Daryl and the chat, tnx Bob for the landing spot.  

Last week was interesting. Got AC fixed, got XYLs Jeep fixed, and got 
a broken window fixed....not a whole lot of time to play radio.

I did see a PSA regarding the FCC web site and how there is now a 3rd 
"CORES" spot that requires your info if you need to renew your license. 
So, I got that sorted.

Time to get back to playing radio... with the equinox coming up the F2 
and D layers should start improving even more and the fun will be good!

btu Daryl >>>



Scott, FB on the fixing up things. I don't have to worry about renewing 
my license until just before Christmas 2033. Hope conditions will start 
improving as we head toward winter.

GE Bob...I hope you saw my spiel at the start...I can email you the back 
scribes from August, but I think anything over 30 days old scrolls off 
the BBS. How was your week?? >>>



GE Daryl and all on the net!

Daryl, no worries on the back scribes.

Today is my xyl's birthday and one of my grand daughter's birthday, too. 
We had a pretty low key day, but will celebrate soon.

I made a couple of OU lightboxes with my 3d printer this last week. Word 
is out across several family friends here, so looks like I could make a 
dozen or so and still have demand. Joys of living in Norman OK!

Have been trying to make contact on FT8 with JY5IB in Jordan, and ZD7CTO 
on St. Helena Island this evening on 20m. No luck so far.

That's all for now. BTU Daryl >>>



Bob, first, happy birthday to the XYL and your granddaughter.

Todd Yakoubian, W1BSE, chief meteorologist at KARK Channel 4 in Little 
Rock, has his meteorology degree from OU, and I saw a video that at 
every OU home game, between the 3rd and 4th quarter, they do a nice 
tribute to the late Toby Keith (courtesy of the red, white, and blue)...
very impressive.

GL on the FT8 I told Scott, I hope conditions improve as 
we approach winter.

GE Rick...hope you haven't had to do water restrictions as they have 
in Calgary. How was your week?? >>>



GE Daryl and all on the NET!

We are on well, and live beside a river, so water isn't an issue.

It was a typical week here, mostly read my book, got out for my walk, 
had a few lunches and BBQ dinners with friends.

Not much radio play...I do some PACTOR on 40M and 20M in the mornings, 
and OLIVA 16/1K NET on weeknights at 0300Z, and that's about it.

My PACKET NODE doesn't see much traffic until Winter, when the snow and 
ice coats the propagation rock, and I get a few connects from the next 
town over and NE Washington state. Yup...pretty boring...

Well that's about it for me, so BTU Daryl >>>



Rick, glad you don't have the water issues...the BBQ dinners sound 
good. I'm only on the air for nets myself, but found a 6m net with 
Echolink connections. Since I don't have RF gear, that gives me 
another option. Hopefully, conditions will improve soon.

That's it for round 1...back to the top for final comments.

Scott, anything else for us?? >>>



Nothing to add. btu >>>



Scott, thanks for being here. Bob, anything else?? >>>



The Toby Keith tribute just started this year. Pretty cool! He was 
a huge fan and grew up in Moore, OK (town between OKC and Norman).

Well, just after I said i was trying to contact guy in Jordan, he 
came back! Hope he confirms thru LOTW.

That's all for now. Hope all have a great week and 73. BTU>>>



Thanks for being here, Bob...hope that station confirms via LOTW.

Rick, anything else?? >>>



Nope, that's it for me. Everyone have a great week, stay well, 73 
until next time. BTU Daryl >>>



Thanks for being here, Rick...have a good week.

That will do it for tonight's PCL Net. NS2B and KX4AC should be back 
with us next week. I'll post the scribe sometime tomorrow morning. 
Have a good week, 73 and GN DE N5VLZ >>>


Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Little Rock, AR
Please see my QRZ bio for more info

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