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N5VLZ  > ALL      17.09.24 02:00z 238 Lines 9423 Bytes #59 (0) @ WW
BID : 11744_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE SEP 16 2024
Sent: 240917/0100Z 11744@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)(Early Checkin)
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas (Early Checkin)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
KB9PVH, Steve, Wisconsin (First Time Checkin)



The rest of my comments are in the scribe to 
save time, and to make it easier on the eyes 
of all on the net; plus it'll get folks to 
read the messages. If you'd prefer it emailed,
contact me at or to -- note that back scribes are
only kept on the NS2B BBS for 30 days, so if
I have to do a system reset, I lose everything
before then...except the software installation

My comments deal with a new computer...doing 
the audio version of the QCWA 
attempted bank debit card fraud...internet, 
router, and software issues (I was able to 
fix the latter two)...upcoming expenses, the 
UP 4014 Big Boy in town...and my downloading 
of Auran Trainz Simulator.



GE all. Not a bad week. I missed the net last 
Monday,  because we had our local ham club 
(PCARS) meeting. That was mostly just planning 
for our upcoming hamfest on Oct 11-12. I always 
like seeing all the junk for sale, so that will
be fun.

On the home front, I managed to resolve my 
routing issues for AMPRNET, so I now have my 
amprnet routed via VPN to the raspberry pi 
server for my packet radio. If you are on, check out ... 
not very exciting, but I wanted to keep it low 

It is still pretty hot here in Florida, and 
horribly humid, but I am managing to get out 
for morning walks on the weekends. I have been 
taking my HT, and calling "foot mobile." So far, 
only one QSO, but I will keep trying. I do try 
to get out pretty early, before the heat hits.

You reminded me that I was super lucky with 
HAMWORD this week. Just one of those things were 
my first guess gave me most of the letters. That 
probably won't happen again soon, but I do like 



GE Daryl and all on the net!

Finally made contact on 15m ft8 with ZD7CTO on 
St. Helena (in Atlantic, halfway between Brazil 
and Angola) this week. Discovered it's where 
Napoleon was exiled after losing at Waterloo.

Made a couple more "OU" lightboxes with my 3D 
printer for some of "the locals". Hi hi

Here in Norman, OK, there are lots of OU fans, 
but just a few of us OSU (Ok State) "stranger 
in a strange land" types.

Participated in the "Route 66 on the Air" event 
on and off this week. I was born a block off 
Route 66 back in 1492 or so, so I like that 
event! Contacts with 15 of the stations, but 
missed the other 9.

Still trying at HAMWORD most every week. Kind 
of fun.

Daryl, I typically use 1492 because that's how 
old I *feel*, but real year is 1950.



Howdy guys!!! super cool to be able to participate 
in the packet net for a change eh -- i always know 
about this, but am usually at work during this time. 
I had to change stations here on net105, cuz i lost 
the path to the other one :)

Cool about amprnet stuff .. maybe some day i try 
that -- got too much going on at the moment though 
with putting my station and network stuff back together 
again nowadays.

Spent my day outside working on flower beds and breaking 
up a slab of 6 inch cement --haha i am getting too old
old for that 2nd part    --heehee

Tomorrow, I am planning on putting all them cement chunks
I got into the back of my Subaru, and hauling them up to 
the top of the hill in back..

Thought vacation time off from work was supposed to be 
"easy" eh ???    haha...

Great to be able to check into this net for a change,
and hope everybody has  a terrific rest of the week 
Thanks for having me and catch ya later!!


Comments From N5VLZ:

A friend of the family, who is helping me get the legal 
documents together to settle my late brother's estate 
after his suicide 10 weeks ago, got me an early Christmas 
and birthday present...a brand new Windows 11 Pro desktop 
computer, with 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of disk space. It has 
made it so much easier to do my amateur radio and other 
internet tasks. If the SharkRF OpenSpot 4 Pro or the app 
barfs during a net, I can do the classic 3-finger-salute 
(CTRL-ALT-DEL) to bring up the Task Manager, exit the app, 
then reload, in around 15 seconds, and get right back with 
the net...not too shabby. It's a lot easier than trying to 
do it via the smartphone. I'm not sure when I can get those 
things all done, concerning my late brother's assets.

I'm now producing the audio transcript of the QCWA Journal, 
to go with being the QCWA VHF+ Net Manager, and Net Control 
for the QCWA Sunflower Net and QCWA Digital Net. I had to 
re-learn how to use the Audacity editing program. At least 
I only have to do that once a month. But, it gets me 
involved with HandiHams again. I record the deal in segments, 
so if I get tongue tied, I only have to redo that segment. 
After all of the segments are recorded, I use Audacity to 
edit out the "dead air", then save it to an MP3 file.

Someone tried to commit fraud on my bank debit card last week, 
and I declined the transaction, as I didn't recognize it. 
While I wasn't out any money, it voided the debit card, and I 
was in dire straits, unable to pay bills...let alone able to 
go to the bank to get a new card, So, I was on the phone to the 
bank, and to make a long story short, I was able to get a 
replacement debit card rather quickly...and didn't have to worry 
about late fees, etc. I hope that never happens again. 

Some have suggested I get a credit card, but I never bothered to 
rebuild my credit after I was in Chapter 13 bankruptcy 15 years 
ago. The last time that I checked, my credit score was very low. 
If credit unions, etc., want "a large minimum balance", it's not 
worth the effort. Some months, it's difficult to survive on the 
meager funds I get for disability, and I know others who get less 
than I do. I have no sympathy for these greedy fools who are
lamenting that they can't survive on over $300,000 a year -- they 
don't have a clue. 

My internet was out much of Saturday, and I had to reset the router. 
I could not figure out why the network wouldn't find all of the
devices...then I discovered I had an extra character in the name of 
the network. Once that was changed, all was working. To add to this, 
D-Rats wasn't working on the new system. I then discovered that the 
user name on the system was different, so once I copied over the 
configuration file from the Windows 10 system, and changed the user 
name, all was well. It's the small stuff that always is the cause of 
all the problems.

I haven't yet set up another sleep study, as I waiting to see how the 
schedule and bills will shake out. I don't have an extra adapter for 
a BPAP device, as one of the UPS unit batteries failed, and I can't 
afford to get a replacement right now; especially with considering 
that I need to pay the property taxes by Oct. 10. I think I'll be 
fully covered financially for the sleep study, and any new equipment...
at least I hope so.

The Union Pacific 4014 Big Boy Steam Locomotive was in town this past 
weekend, but I didn't bother to go see it, with having a lack of 
transportation (as I don't drive anymore), and I didn't want to be 
fighting the traffic and the crowds. I'm happy just to watch videos 
of it on the internet. With the new computer, I downloaded the Auran 
Trainz deal, along with some routes and consists. I don't do the 
activities per se, but just like a leisurely "drive" to "explore the 
route"....and create my own "simple activities". It's something 
different for me besides ham radio, and I surely don't want to risk 
burnout. Anyone who says "I'm not doing my part, I'll threaten them 
with the Wouff Hong, the Rettysnitch, and the Ugerumph...and Vaseline 
is optional (hi hi).


Replies From N5VLZ:

Carl, FB on the meeting to prepare for the club hamfest, the amprnet
router issues, and the "foot mobile". I haven't yet tried HAMWORD, as
I use RMS Express for my WL2K stuff, and it's via telnet,
I didn't think that was a viable option.

Bob (OK), FB on the 15m FT8 contact, the OU lightboxes, and the
Route 66 Special Event Station. As for Oklahoma State, they didn't
just beat Arkansas...Arkansas gave the game away. And, I'm glad you
clarified the age deal...I thought you cleaned up rather well for
532 years of age. It reminds of my late father, who said for years
that he was "19", and I believed him...until I passed him, then "I
smelled a rat". So, the joke got to be "You're 19, and your son is
42?? There must be something in the water" (hi hi). My late wife
said "There's something rotten in Denmark, and it isn't the codfish"!!
As for the exile of Napoleon, Scott, KF5JRV, mentioned that in one of
his "Today In History" posts.

Steve, glad to have you with us. We're here every Monday except for
the weeks of Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Vacations are never long
enough, and none of us are able to do the work with those cement
blocks. I forgot to note on the net where this guy said he had one
in his garage, and he'd walk around it several times a,
he could say "he walked around the block several times" (hi hi).


Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more information.

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