N5VLZ > ALL 06.08.24 06:00z 285 Lines 8461 Bytes #17 (0) @ WW
BID : 9731_NS2B
Sent: 240806/0532Z 9731@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
KXAC, Carl, Florida (Early Checkin)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
NT5R, Charley, Missouri
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas (HF Connection Issues)
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
KD4WLE, Sean, Florida (Lost Connection)
Our next net holiday is Monday, September 2,
for Labor Day...the PCL Net will be off that
I finally got the lawn mowed and the bushes
trimmed last week, and will get another lawn
mow in 2 weeks. However, we're in a dry spell
at the moment, so things aren't growing much.
Fire danger may start to ramp up soon. I'll be
glad when the colder weather arrives, so I do
not have to worry about lawn mowing, insects,
heat illness, or tornadoes. The southeast US
is getting pummeled by tropical cyclone Debby,
which may bring 2 1/2 feet of rain to some
I see the Sleep Study specialist on Wednesday,
to see how to proceed with my sleep apnea. I'm
just leery of using a CPAP with thunderstorms
around, and I have no generator overnight if
the power goes out. I see the urologist next
week, then the orthopedic doctor in just over
2 weeks. Then, that should be the last medical
appointment until Sept. 18. I only have 2 round
trips left with my HMO, as they only allow 12
round trips a year. That was great when your
PCP did everything, but now, you have all of
these specialists.
Friday marks 5 years since I lost my Mom to
congestive heart failure, and while I have
that now, I've known folks who've had it for
years. My vital signs have been good, but I
have had little energy lately. It's hard to
sit at the computer for extended periods of
time, due to the dry corneas...even with
using eye drops. One of my late brother's
ex-wives, who has taken over his property,
the expenses, and cleaning stuff up (his
mobile home and pickup truck were full of
used cigarette butts and empty beer cans
before his suicide a month ago), will take
me on Friday to get the death certificates,
to start getting his affairs resolved.
With doing ham radio nets Friday through
Tuesday, that rules out my going to any
hamfests in the region. Little Rock had
their last one 8 years ago, and I doubt
they'll ever do another one, as no one
wants to do the work. I also can't afford
to travel outside of Little Rock anymore,
and you can't just "drop what you're
doing", and come home from your vacation
quickly, if an emergency comes up.
GE All,
It is club night again today, so I am
sending an early check-in.
We have the local packet node up and
working well now, though we are still
missing a couple of links. One of the
links south of here has been abandoned
or shut down by its sponsor, so it is
a lost cause. The other is down because
of a failed radio and we are working to
find them a replacement. It sounds like
that effort is close, so hopefully we
will get that link back up. We are also
working on setting up a new link with a
group just north of here. So everything
is looking good for the local packet
and digipeater station.
I have also spent some time getting my
personal AMPRNET connection up and
working. I have basic connectivity
working, but I still need to finalize
my firewall rules as well as setting up
a VPN to link by AMPRNET server with my
home packet station. I wish there was a
"google" for the AMPRNET; it is so hard
to find what services one can connect to!
We are getting a lot of rain today, we are
on the edges of Hurricane Debby. There is
not much wind, just a lot of rain. It has
been raining all night, and will probably
continue all day. It always seems to rain
on club night!
That's about all the news from the Space
GE All. An uneventful week.
My portable FT8 station is tuned up and
ready to go. I just need a day without
rain, so I can set up the yard and play.
Lately, or the last couple years, we've
been getting what I call Florida weather.
Rains every day about 3:30 for 15 minutes.
I'm getting tired of it.
We have a local group of guys that play
with Winlink. We have 4 nodes I can send
through. But one is so close, it almost
seems like he's too close - I have trouble
sending through him, unless I digi through
a node that's farther away. It's weird.
We keep tinkering.
I haven't been to a hamfest for a couple
years. There's one coming up at the end
of August, that's only 3 miles from me. I
might get to that one.
Charley, yeah, the plan is to get some
POTA in!
GE everyone.
Been out of pocket awhile, good to be back
typing at you all.
Speaking of hamfests, attended Oklahoma City
fest last Saturday. Good one. My son lives
an hour from there, so good excuse to go.
Daryl, the Mena hamfest in September is a
good one, not been in a few years, but
maybe catch someone local going, and ride
with them.
Bob (NY), are you getting ready for POTA with
a portable station?
Been playing just a bit with Winlink.
Daryl, condolences with your Mom. Lost my
brother just after 14th birthday. Sure an
empty feeling. Sure you still feel the same.
Scott, call or text anytime. If no answer,
leave a message, and will get back to you.
Bob (OK), yes, Bob Heil for several years
visited many of the local Field Day locations.
Dropped in on ours a couple of times that I know
Familiar with Coleman Theatre in Miami. Grew up
in Cherokee County, Kansas. Fellow I worked with
at ammunition plant in Parsons, Kansas. If I
remember correctly, his Dad owned or worked at
that theatre. That is the story he told, anyhow.
He was a REAL character. Called himself Hot Rod
or something like that. Beautiful theatre.
Thank you, Daryl, and Bob (NY) for the net and
Well, the thing is I thought I had disconnected
from HF and was on telnet. However, BPQ thought
otherwise. I had to restart computer to get
things back to functional.
Things here are good, but weather is super dry.
Just fiddling with shack to optimize it a bit.
A few new toys, but nothing special.
Charley, I need to give you a phone call this
week to ask about some things. Will you be
around? Are you good on QRZ, so I can start
with an email?
Well, 6m has been a bit more active, picked up
15 states so far this season.
And, Charley, I will send an email to your QRZ
email, and start the contact. I can't seem to
find your number in my phone! :(
GE Daryl and the group!
Managed to get a few FT8 contacts this morning
on 6m. All in the southeast, so Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky, the Carolinas, and Wisconsin!
Daryl, you mentioned seeing Bob Heil, K9EID, a
few years ago. I also met him a few years ago
at the 4Start QRP meet in Branson, and got his
autograph on one of his books. We talked about
him playing the organ at the grand old theatre
(Coleman Theatre) in my home town of Miami, OK.
His grandson has his callsign now.
Charley, sorry I didn't know you were at the OKC
meet. Would have loved to have an eyeball QSO!!
Daryl, sounds like your Mom and Dad had many
good years together at 54. My wife and I hit
50 years last week, so we're closing in on them.
Thanks to you and Bob for keeping this net going.
Replies from N5VLZ:
Bob (NY), FB on the FT8 and Winlink, but bummer
on the "Florida Weather". Hope you can get to
that nearby hamfest, and can get that POTA deal.
Charley, with doing nets from Friday through
Tuesday, and being short on funds, never mind
I don't drive anymore, hamfests are out for me.
Thanks for the condolences on my Mom. She and
my late father were married just over 54 years
when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer;
he only lasted 6 weeks...then my XYL died not
3 months later. She and I did a lot of trips
to the Clive Cussler Collectors Society
Conventions...I have a lot of his books, and
a bunch of LP records that I'd like to sell or
donate, as I have no use for them.
Scott, glad you finally made it in...HF has
not been the best lately, with all the CME's.
FB on the optimizing of the shack, new toys,
and 6m contacts.
It's dry here as well, but that may change
later in the month...we'll see.
Bob (OK), FB on the FT8 contacts. Glad to
see Bob Heil's grandson got K9EID. I went
to that QRP deal in Branson several years
ago, and got to meet K.O., N0KFQ, and his
XYL, Billie, KB0WSA, who started this net
years ago...sweet couple. They are sorely
missed, as they're long since silent keys.
Guess we lost Sean, but I'll log him.
Daryl, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more info.
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