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N5VLZ  > ALL      13.08.24 05:01z 294 Lines 10188 Bytes #24 (0) @ WW
BID : 9998_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE AUG 12 2024
Sent: 240813/0236Z 9998@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
KXAC, Carl, Florida (Early Checkin)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
NT5R, Charley, Missouri (Connection Issues)
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma



Our next net holiday is Monday, September 2,
for Labor Day...the PCL Net will be off that
night. School is back in session here, so that
means school bus brigades...the parents are
happy, but the teachers may not be (hi hi).

There are 2 kinds of sleep apnea...I have both, 
and both are severe. They are working to set up 
another sleep study for me, with titration 
(whatever that is), then get me a BPAP device, 
which works with the breathing. I have to make 
sure I have enough funds for Lyft to and from 
there, as I only have 2 medical roundtrips left 
with my HMO. The shortage of Lyft drivers made 
the trip to the clinic $35, but the trip home, 
before sunrise, was considerably cheaper. I am 
to see the urologist tomorrow afternoon for the
yearly check "of the front and back ends", with 
some blood work. At least it's a female nurse 
practitioner...they tend to be a bit more gentle 
than their male counterparts. :) Then, I see the 
hip surgeon late next week. The left hip flexor 
muscles are better, but when Lyft sends a pickup 
truck or other vehicle with high ground clearance, 
getting into and out of it aggravates it all over 
again. I have told them repeatedly to NOT send one 
of these...but it's like all of my requests fall 
on deaf ears.

It took nearly a week for the death certificates 
for my late brother just to make it across Little 
Rock (2 miles) from the cremation services to my 
Post Office Box. I hope to get them on Wednesday. 
The Post Office wonders why everyone is going to 
email, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc., for their mail, and 
yet, first class postage is 73 cents, set to go up 
more before years end. One of my late brother's 
ex-wife's, is taking over all the property and the
related bills...and she is being a big help in so 
many ways...including driving me about on Wednesday. 
After we go to the Post Office Box and the bank, we
will go get some lunch. It will be a nice change 
from the constant bland diet of peanut butter and 
sugar-free grape sandwiches that I'm on. She has
shared some funny memories of him, and that's what 
we the ones I have with my late wife.

The heat and humidity are back, but we're at the peak
of our hot weather. I'm more than ready for cooler 
weather. As crazy as the weather has been lately, 
winter could be a doozy. I saw where Tropical Storm 
Ernesto has formed, and he may threaten Bermuda as a 
major hurricane late this week...the peak of the 
season is still a month away.

I saw where Icom is going to sell a new D-Star HT, 
another version of the ID-52, in late August. It's 
still too much money for my budget. The Shreveport 
Hamfest was this past weekend, and Huntsville, 
Alabama's hamfest is this weekend...but, there's 
no way I can travel outside of Little Rock anymore. 
Plus, you can't just drop all you have, and get back 
home quick, in the event of an emergency. And, I'd 
rather be close to home, if an illness attack occurs.

I'm working on transitioning my BBS software, but 
there's a lot of tedious work still to be done...and 
I did quite a bit of that over the weekend. I took 2 
acetomenaphen with my meals the last 2 days, and they 
knocked me out. But, I don't like to be a bad ham, 
and go to bed without dinner...let alone to go to 
sleep right after eating...however, that is when "the 
turkey coma" sets in. I believe the Christmas stuff 
is already in the stores; guess I had better plan for 
Easter shopping soon (hi hi).



GE, all.

Well, I got confused last week, and sent in an early 
checkin, because I thought it was club night. 
Actually, tonight is club night. So, another early 
checkin, I guess. It worked out OK, because I was 
very tired after dialysis last Monday, and just came
home after dragging at work, and fell asleep.

So, tonight is really club night this time. We are 
having  presentation on an antenna created on a pool 
noodle, and some sort of weird dummy load that involves 
"a fluid". It sounds interesting, if nothing else. :) 

In the meantime, I finally got my amprnet gateway 
machine set up and working, with a baseline firewall 
set up as well. I also got a VPN set up between it 
and my packet station. I still have to configure 
amprnet routing between the packet station and gateway, 
but I got tired of messing with computer stuff, and 
spent some time on electronics projects. I am working 
on an Arduino based keyer, and another retro-computer 

I guess that's about all for tonight. I hope everyone 
is well, and I'll be back next week.



GE All!

A busy week. Took my truck in for an oil change. They 
found some leaking axle seals - replaced under warranty,
but was without the truck for 2 days.  

Rained hard here Friday - even had flood warnings - 
then Saturday was perfect - Sunny skies and not too hot.
Went down to the track and flagged for the Porsche Club 
that was running - a nice uneventful day - that's what 
you want - eventful there usually translated to $$$!

Changed out the antenna I was using on my Winlink system 
today. Had been a J-Pole - I had 5/8 over 5/8 VHF vertical 
in the garage collecting dust - figured it was time to put 
it to work. Didn't seem to make any difference - better or 

Rick, sorry for you loss, that's too young.

Bob, our vintage race is coming up in 2 weeks - there'll 
be a whole wad of Formula V's at that.



Week was a much better week than I have had in a while... 
Nothing was overly bad, just busier than a one legged man 
in a butt kicking contest.

Had some HF success until on both SSB and Digital. The K 
index hit 8 at around noon today, but it really on damped 
down things on the low end, made some contact 20-10. There 
is a good possibility for Aurora tonight, so if anyone is 
out and about, and there are clear skies, have a look... 
may need to use a camera to see anything though.  

I feel your pain on the truck Bob (NY)... the wife's Grand 
Cherokee is having T-Case issues, and goes in to the shop 

I had a 20 or so minute QSO with W6LG on Friday night SSB 
on 20... bands was so good, it was like he was in the shack 
with me.

Rick, sorry for your loss. 

Again tnx for net. And anyone in the Joplin area... Hope 
to have an eyeball QSO with you on Sat. 8-24 at Joplin 

So, that about wraps up my week and report... thanks to Bob 
and You Daryl for the net 



GE Daryl and all on the NET.

The past few weeks have been pretty boring.

With all the smoke from wildfires in the area, and temps 
over 100F, I've been keeping a low profile, staying 
indoors in the A/C, and doing a lot of reading.
Nothing educational of course...

We have had a few family get-togethers since the beginning 
of the month, which has been nice. This coming weekend, we 
have to drive to Vancouver, to attend a family gathering.

We had a nephew pass away from a heart attack, at 45...sad...

Radio play has been suffering from the solar activity, so I 
have only been on-air on 40M and 20M PACTOR in the mornings, 
and haven't heard much. I just shut down the radio after noon, 
and turn it back on 80M for the week-night OLIVIA 16/1K NET.

Thanks everyone for the kind words!

We will be driving back from the coast next Monday direct, so 
hopefully I can make the NET, but if I don't, everyone have a 
great week, stay well, 73 until next time



GE everyone, good week

Rick, also condolences for your nephew. Such a young age,
so sad

Rick, may try the Olivia sometime, sounds like a slick mode

Been doing some hf winlink and bit of packet 40 and 20 meters. 
Tried to connect with ns2b 14.105, heard both ways, but end 
fed antenna and 5 watts just now quite enough for connect.

Daryl, good luck with all your medical stuff. STILL hope to 
meet you eyeball qso sometime thru your area. Several times 
yearly to GA and that direction so often go thru LR area.

Daryl  we can fix that, will pick you up!

Lost you all for bit, but will check scribe see what I missed. 
Thank you Daryl and Bob for net.

Have an awesome week everyone. Type at ya later 73 >>>



GE Daryl and all!

Rick, also give condolences for your nephew. Sad news indeed.

I'm still doing hamword and winlink wednesday most weeks. 
Joined a couple other weekly winlink activities (Tulsa ARES 
and Great lakes) that are good to have a new task each week 
to teach you about some of the features of winlink. Examples 
are how to request a weather forecast or radar pic of your 

Bob (NY) I thought of you this weekend when I saw a little 
Formula V car a guy here in Norman restored. Said he (only!) 
has about $9k in it, but countless hours. It's going to run 
at Hallett (road track outside Tulsa) this fall in a vintage 
race. Hopefully, the flag men will keep him out of trouble!

Thanks to Bob and Daryl for allowing us to get together. 
73! >>>


Replies from N5VLZ:

Bob (NY), bummer on the truck and flooding, but glad the
weather improved for a day at the track. As bad as the
sunspots/solar flares have been, I don't think any antenna
would help.

Scott, I liked comment on being busy (hi hi). Conditions
have been awful on HF lately, but at times, you can catch
an opening. I'm sure that Charley may go to the Joplin 

Rick, first, sorry for the loss of your nephew. Fire danger
and burn bans are increasing here with the drought conditions.
FB on the family gatherings...enjoy that quality time. You
just have to work around the band conditions.

Charley, appreciate the transportation, since I no longer
have a car, or drive anymore, due to vision
email is good on QRZ. Glad you were able to get back in
before the net closed.

Bob (OK), FB on HamWord and Winlink. I've spent much of
the last week working on switching BBS software, and the
preparation of the files. It isn't hard, but it's tedious.


Daryl, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more info.

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