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Subj: The NTS E-Letter - 02/2024
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The NTS E-Letter
February 6, 2024
- From the Editor
- Update on NTS 2.0 -- One Year Later
- Treasure Hunt -- Let the Hunt Begin!
- "Radiogrammers" Needed for Web-based Radiogram Portal
- Traffic Tips: Best Practices
- Spotlight -- "Bud" Hippisley, W2RU
- NTS Resources
- Sign up to Receive The NTS Letter
- Support NTS: Join ARRL
From the Editor
Thanks to all who have subscribed to The NTS Letter, and those who have
promoted the newsletter throughout other groups. We have received very
positive responses. For example, Michael Ford, WZ0C, who operates the
APRS-NTS Gateway, reports that The NTS Letter had been circulated via the
Packet BBS Circuit.
Currently we have over 1,500 subscribers. Unfortunately, there was a slight
problem in the distribution process and not everyone who opted in to receive
the newsletter was receiving it. We believe this problem has been solved. If
anyone continues to experience problems, please let us know.
Update on NTS 2.0 -- One Year Later
We promised to keep the traffic handling community updated on the progress
of the NTS 2.0 subcommittee, which currently oversees the efforts of several
teams or "working groups" of traffic handlers. It has been one year since
the working groups began meeting weekly. The groups have focused on:
* Digital Networks
* Emergency Communications and Agency Engagement
* Recruitment and Training
* Updated Access and Delivery
* Performance Standards and Activity Reporting
In addition, several of the working groups are beginning to focus on
recruiting new traffic handlers through outreach and mentoring of new and
inactive licensees. A few of the accomplishments include:
* NTS 2.0 website -- A new website, https://nts2.arrl.org, has been created
as a source for documentation, training, tools, and information that have
been created as part of the NTS 2.0 effort.
* The NTS Letter -- in collaboration with ARRL HQ, we have created a monthly
e-newsletter, The NTS Letter, which features progress on the NTS 2.0 project
and spotlights people and activities that represent the great work being
done by traffic handlers across the US.
* ARRL Net Directory 2.0 -- A specification document for a new, more
maintainable net directory tool has been created, was reviewed with the ARRL
HQ team, and is in the process of being implemented. This tool, when
complete, will serve as a source of information about nets of all types,
including traffic nets.
* Web-based tool to enable public origination of traffic -- A web-based
tool, the NTS 2.0 Radiogram Portal, has been created to enable members of
the public and amateur radio operators who are not traffic handlers to
originate traffic to be handled by NTS.
* Plan to update and modernize recognition for traffic handlers -- A
specification that seeks to update and decentralize recognitions for work
done by traffic handlers has been created and is in the process of being
reviewed and revised by ARRL HQ. Consistent with other recognition programs,
the approach proposed relies on members of the ARRL Field Organization to
administer the updated recognition vehicles.
* Tools and procedures to originate traffic via the APRS system -- An NTS
gateway for originating traffic has been created and deployed. Documentation
and video training have also been created for this tool.
* Article about NTS in QST magazine - The article, "The National Traffic
System - A History and ARRL's Path Forward," appeared in the July 2023
issue, and won the QST Cover Plaque Award for that issue, due to receiving
the highest number of ARRL member votes.
* Articles in On the Air magazine - The July/August 2023 issue featured
"Talking About Traffic," and "ARRL Section Traffic Volunteering."
There are many other activities in progress as well. The ongoing work is
focused on areas such as improving ties between NTS operators and other
amateur radio emergency services, expanding and modernizing digital traffic
handling, tools to enable nationwide traffic system tests and performance
assessments, and updated and modernizing training and documentation. The NTS
2.0 team is looking forward to another productive year in 2024.
Treasure Hunt -- Let the Hunt Begin!
It's time to begin the NTS Treasure Hunt, as described in the December 2023
issue of The NTS Letter
<https://www.arrl.org/nts-letter?issue=2023-12-05#toc05>. This is a fun,
on-air, multi-step competition in which you will respond to a "judge" with
your answer to an initial clue or question via radiogram. The judge will
reply via radiogram with the identity of the next judge, along with the next
question or clue in the hunt.
Are you ready? Here's your first question:
Where and when was Hiram Percy Maxim born?
Send your answer via NTS radiogram to Ray Webb, KB8GUN, Laurelville, OH 43135.
The text of the radiogram should consist of the words "TREASURE HUNT ROUND
1," followed by HPM's place and date of birth. Be sure to form the NTS
message properly, with the message number, the station of origin, and the
correct check.
You will receive a confirmation radiogram back with the next clue or
question and addressee; or a message explaining that your answer is
incorrect and to please try again.
Good luck!
"Radiogrammers" Needed for Web-based Radiogram Portal
Here is a great opportunity to create third-party radiograms, add message
traffic to our traffic nets, and introduce NTS message handling capabilities
to other amateurs and the public! Last month we reported on a new web-based
radiogram portal that introduces radiograms to the public and provides an
easy way for the public to submit messages that can be originated as formal
traffic. As creator Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD, reported, "This portal has two
goals...First, to explain what amateur radio messaging is all about, to an
audience that might not be familiar with Radiograms -- or for that matter,
amateur radio in general. And second, to provide a quick and easy way to
boost the volume of true third-party traffic into NTS." This portal has been
tested and is about to go live. However, we are now in need of traffic
handlers to volunteer to check this portal on a regular basis, similar to
checking into a traffic net or DTN hub. The January 2024 issue of The NTS
Letter explained how this portal works, and the NTS 2.0 folks are preparing
a training document. If you would like to be able to generate more traffic
while performing a public service, send an email to ntsletter@xxxx.xxx. You
will be given further instructions.
Traffic Tips: Best Practices
We all need reminders from time to time about best practices in message
handling. A couple of topics have recently been brought to my attention.
Servicing undeliverable radiograms. We all know that a message that cannot
be delivered requires a service message regarding the status of that
message, but to whom and where do we send it?
It is important first to distinguish between a message Originator and a
Station of Origin, and second, to understand what location goes into the
Place of Origin field in the header. For example, John wishes to send a
message via amateur radio. If John is a licensed ham and familiar with
radiogram format, he formats that message into a radiogram with his call
sign and location in the header. However, if Bill, who is not a ham or is a
ham not familiar with how NTS works, asks John to send a message for him,
John formats that message, adding an appropriate header with his own call
sign as the Station of Origin, even though the message is really from Bill,
whose signature will be at the end of the message. Therefore, it is Bill's
location that should appear as the Place of Origin.
Bill, however, does not know anything about radiogram format. If you, the
delivering station, send a service message to him, it will likely be
confusing. It is more appropriate to send that service message to John, and
he can notify Bill of the message status.
Remember, however, that the Place of Origin in the header is not John's
location, it is Bill's location. Because John is a licensed amateur
operator, his call sign and address will be listed in an online database
such as QRZ.com, and there you will find where to send that service message.
Note that we have been talking about "service messages" and not "replies."
If the message recipient wants to send a reply (ie. "thanks for the
greeting") to Bill, it would, of course, be sent directly to Bill.
Delivering radiograms containing ARRL numbered message texts. This is
something most of us understand, but some new to traffic handling may not.
Imagine being Patsy Public and receiving a phone call (or email) from a ham
radio operator who reads, "ARL FIFTY ARL FORTY SIX." You might hang up the
phone or delete the email, thinking this is some kind of scam.
If you're going to deliver one of these ARRL numbered radiograms, please
keep in mind that most licensed amateurs don't know anything about them, and
won't have a clue as to what you are talking about. Before trying to deliver
such a radiogram, look up https://nts2.arrl.org/numbered-texts/ on the ARRL
website and be prepared to "translate" that number into a complete phrase
that the recipient will understand.
Notes on Training
As a Section Traffic Manager, I can say it is important and helpful to have
the support of one's Section Manager, so I wanted to share these comments
from Western Massachusetts Section Manager Ray Lajoie, AA1SE. Ray is also a
member of the NTS 2.0 Steering Committee and facilitates the Recruitment and
Training working group:
Your net is a valuable resource for new hams who are interested in emergency
communication and traffic handling. Providing education and training during
a net is a great resource for newer traffic handlers. There are many
opportunities for instruction, and the few extra minutes can lead to new
traffic handlers, net control stations, and even ORS appointments.
If your net already provides education before, during, or after the net,
congratulations! Keep at it. For those that are experiencing declining
participation, consider adding instruction to your format. It could be as
simple as asking if anyone has any questions about NTS.
Sure, there is lots of material on the web, but that doesn't replace the
hands-on experience that an actual net can provide. Here are some suggestions:
ú Spend a few minutes in a Q&A session. Offer to send a training message and
explain message structure
ú Write a short tutorial on sending and radiogram traffic and how a message
is relayed across the country
ú Conduct small discussions after the net to discuss topics in greater detail
ú Give a presentation at your local radio club meeting. Don't forget to
provide times and frequencies of nets that they can listen and check in to.
The possibilities are endless. Stick with it. There will be dry spells.
Don't let it discourage you from trying.
Over time you may find a greater level of participation on your net. You
might even find more willing volunteers to take net control and liaison
If your group has interesting stories and examples about how you train
future traffic handlers, we would love to hear from you.
Spotlight -- "Bud" Hippisley, W2RU
Bud Hippisley, W2RU, was about to enter 10th grade and had been
General-class licensee K2KIR for a few months when he was introduced to
traffic handling.
Bud, W2RU, with the matrix and hex nut combination he popularized for net
controlling EAN. [Linda Hippisley, KA2WIN, photo]
During a ragchew on 40-meter CW one summer afternoon, he was asked to
receive and deliver a radiogram addressed to someone in his upstate NY
community. Bud did so, and the "bug" bit. From his local radio club mentor,
he learned of both the New York State CW Net (NYS) and the Empire Slow Speed
Net (ESS). After a trip to the local radio and television repair store to
buy the necessary crystals, Bud became a regular member of both nets and
within a year or so was named manager of ESS -- a post he held until heading
off to college.
Soon Bud was an enthusiastic proponent of ARRL's nascent National Traffic
System, with new assignments taking him to the Second Region Net (2RN) and
Eastern Area Net (EAN). Later, he added Transcontinental Corps (TCC) skeds
to the mix and earned a public service award for relaying emergency traffic
between Alaska and Washington State following the Great Alaskan Earthquake
of March 27, 1964, when poor HF propagation often made direct contact
between those two regions impossible.
In high school and college, Bud occasionally served as a backup EAN net
control station (NCS). On January 2, 1963, he became the regular Wednesday
evening NCS, a position he held until the beginning of 2017, some 54 years
later! Bud notes that for the first 12 years and 2 months he did not miss a
single Wednesday evening assignment despite a variety of obstacles, both
laughable and serious, along the way. And in 1964, he became manager of EAN,
a position he also held until the beginning of 2017 -- a 53-year tenure.
Looking back over the decades, Bud can boast many contributions to NTS:
Early on, he successfully lobbied ARRL HQ for expansion of the System from
five evenings a week to seven. In the 1960s and '70s he convinced organizers
of ARRL Division and national conventions to include programs about NTS
structure, traffic handling, and net controlling techniques. While chair of
the Eastern Area Staff (EAS), he was instrumental in bringing an independent
confederacy of daytime traffic nets into the NTS fold, and he was the
originator of the scalable four-cycle System schedule that integrates and
connects daytime and evening nets and TCC functions and provides expansion
modes when traffic overloads so dictate. In the '80s, during a second "tour"
as EAS chair, he arranged a meeting between early proponents of digital HF
message handling and the Staff to demonstrate concepts and explore paths
In 2010 Bud was honored to receive the George Hart Distinguished Service
Award "for at least 15 years of distinguished and exemplary service to the
League's field organization," primarily as a result of his work with NTS. As
Roanoke Division Director between 2019 and 2021 he co-authored the Board
motion that created its new Emergency Communications & Field Services
Bud recently collaborated with Phil Sager, WB4FDT, to compile a history of
amateur traffic handling, with Bud detailing the origins of NTS based on
post-World War II correspondence between ARRL HQ and leading traffic
handlers. This article will soon be available at the NTS 2.0 web page,
Currently, Bud holds a weekly assignment as NCS and 4RN rep for Virginia's
CW Section Net (VN). He is a member of the NTS 2.0 Steering Committee and
coordinator for the project's EmComm team. He and his wife Linda, KA2WIN,
live in south central Virginia, where both are active in community service
organizations. These days, the two of them number among their closest
friends some of Bud's fellow NTSers from way back when, including Daniel
Clark, N2DC (ex-W2ZRC), now 90, who was 2RN Manager and NCS the first time
Bud checked in!
NTS Resources
The National Traffic System© (NTS) is a network of amateur radio operators
who move information during disasters and other emergencies. General
messages offering well wishes also move through the NTS to help test the
system and to help amateur radio operators build traffic handling skills.
While the NTS is primarily set up to serve the United States and Canada, it
is possible to move traffic internationally through the NTS through various
local, regional, area, and international network connections.
NTS 2.0
NTS Manual
NTS Methods and Practices Guidelines Table of Contents
Handling Instructions
Numbered Texts
Form Encoding Rules for Form
Sign up to Receive The NTS Letter
The NTS Letter is published monthly and is free of charge to ARRL members.
Subscribe: arrl.org/opt-in-out
Editor: Marcia Forde, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager -- Eastern
Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, and Rhode Island
ARRL Director of Emergency Management: Josh Johnston, KE5MHV
Support NTS: Join ARRL
NTS is a program of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio©. No
other organization works harder than ARRL to promote and protect amateur
radio! ARRL members enjoy many benefits and services including digital
magazines, e-newsletters, online learning (learn.arrl.org), and technical
support. Membership also supports programs for radio clubs, on-air contests,
Logbook of The World©, ARRL Field Day, and the all-volunteer ARRL Field
Join ARRL or renew today! arrl.org/join
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ARRL Store: arrl.org/shop
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Contact us to advertise in this newsletter (space subject to availability):
The NTS Letter is published every month (12 times each year). ARRL members
may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data Page at
Copyright ¸ 2024 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and
distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes
require written permission.
* Distributed on the packet network by *
* CX2SA <> 1978-2024 <> Salto, Uruguay *
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