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G8MNY  > TECH     01.01.24 08:38z 269 Lines 13331 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 63753_GB7CIP
Subj: Making ASCII diagrams
Sent: 240101/0829Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:63753 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                                     (Updated Jan 09)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

Most of the TECH buls use the full 8 bit graphics character set. To make your
own diagrams here are some tips.

The 102 key keyboard only does about 33% of the 256 characters possable. To get
the full set (about 220 usable on packet) you normally hold down the ALT key &
enter the 3 digit ALT number into the number keypad, this works in most text
editors e.g. "MS EDIT". (MS OS, Other OS platforms are different!)

Also don't use justify or variable spacing in the editor / viewer! See my "Y
Extended ASCII Graphics" bul for more compatibility information. The 8 bit
extended character sets where originaly defined by Code Page Nos for all
software applications to use on that machine, & Code Pages 437 or 850 give the
most compatable extended graphics set across all platforms NOT just a specific
MS Windows application!

Try these for yourself.
 [] = ,  | = , - = ,   Ts =   ,  + =   Ohm = ,  Degree = ,  +/- = 
ALT 218 191   179    196  194 180 195 193   197      234          248       241
KEY 192 217                                  (not all Code/Pages)

In a good editor you will find a list of all the characters in the help screen.
(MS Char map in TERMINAL font) Print these out if you can. Some editors also
have block cut & past (not just paragraphs) & this is a very useful feature for
moving & copying parts of the screen.

Useful char:                                   
    ALT KEY  171 172 227 230 235 236 240 242 243 246 247 251

(Alt 253 "superscript 2" fails on Paket software [a Bug])

Here are some Characters & 8th bit Graphics mixed & how they look together.
045 - (Hyphen)         Do not join up     ---
095 _ (Underline)      Only partly joins  ____  (can't use space above!)
196  (Graphic)        Joins up OK        Ĵ    (OK to underside of underline)
124 | (Bar)            Do not join up       |    (some Fonts have broken bar)
186  (Graphic)        Joins up own set     ĺ
061 = (Equals)         Do not join up    == =
96`95_046.044,045-039' Rising graphic  ~-,__.-~ (detailed Graphs, Circles)
176 177 178 219    Shading            (Some displays are inverted)
220 221 222  223   Half Blocks            (Doing bold lettering etc.)

How viewable the results are of mixing them, will depend on your font & to some
extent the video card & mode it is set to as well. Try not to mix Alt 196  & -
the hyphen as they may look the same, but are not on many displays.


            Ĵ              )          ij
       J o i n t s             (avoid)     Cross over        (avoid)

              tag    o+5V   O   *   >  >   o)    @
           TP                                              coax  

 GROUND/EARTH   small   __    __           __       0V
 /CHASSIS/0v                 ////         \_/ 0V

 SWITCHES                      o      Ŀ  
            ___     o \o    o       o o o        FUSE
          o o    Toggle    o<     /\       o--o
            Push               o         

 DIODES Ĵ> __  __   LED__     ZENER__   __     VARICAP__   
              \_/  /_\      \_/GN       /_\' _\_/,  /_\          \_/  ===
        Ĵ<  D1  D2       ON       Z1                     ===  /_\

 SCR  __    __      TRIAC  ____a''    >      DIACS  ____     <
    \_/ or \_/           /\ \/      Ĵ            /\ \/   Ĵ 
         ___/           g         <\                 >

 TRANSISTORS ____  Ŀe         TR1/      \                Dual  __|
              / \e   _\_/_   Ĵ<    Ĵ NPN          Ĵ FET   IGFET    
                             e    \e    e/BC108     >           >
 CAPACITORS          +           Too            /| C2
             Ĵ    === 1uF    large         ===  100p
              10n              not so        /  Variable

 INDUCTORS                             L ___   ___      Slid \/     Preset
            _(((()_        (___             )(  300V     ()))))     Ŀ \
      =====    Iron ( Tapped    220V )(___              )|/`\
  Ferrite   Ferrite        (           N ___) ___                    )|
  Bead                             E ____(___6V                 /)|
 RESISTORS                                 or if             ______
                   >POT      10           you    390R     Ĵ______
    10k  220R     10k   __/\/\/\_       must    1/4W      47 10W
                             20W           use   

 RELAYS                                              _          __
         Ŀ300  NCĿ        ====  /       - /~ ~\ +     /DC \
          ALARM       ___\__      ())) MK      ĴMeter    (Motor)
               NO   C                   \_ _/       \___/
                                     __       __         __        __   
 OP AMPS Ĵ\+    Ĵ\      GATES Ĵ   \   Ĵ _ \     Ĵ   \    Ĵ __\
          A >   B >          &  )   &  )O-   ) OR >   ) OR >O
         Ĵ/-    Ĵ/            Ĵ__ /   Ĵ__ /     Ĵ__ /    Ĵ__ /

 ICs     4Ŀ                          14             8
        ĴReset        3      +12V ____ +5V       
         6  LM 555  O/P       Ĵ7805        ).            
        ĴDischarge                ~~~           
        ĴTrigger   CV                            1             7
                 -1  5

 VALVES   ____        ____      -|A     X   Y  A F A G K
         /  \      /  \        ~-.________________
                   - - -      CRT    []  ||_\ H
         \ /~\ /      /~~~\            []   ||~/ H
          ~~~       \_/\_/       _.-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Often with ASCII ART there is not enough detail for precise component graphic
symbols, but to a good engineer these graphics are good enough. (clearer than a
bought Photocopied diagram/CD/internet download!)

As with any text composing this may take a while, so do SAVE it often as an
ASCII (.ASC or .TXT) file often (possibly as a .BAK file as well!).

Try to make the diagram size less than 79 characters wide by 23 lines high, as
this fits most viewers, with room for their control bars etc. & should stop
auto wrapping of your carefully spaced diagram when sent over packet.

The diagram size restriction may mean splitting the diagram up into functional
blocks, giving you the option to describe each part as you go. Not normally
possible with other drawing systems! Write the text out under the drawing & if
both text & drawing can be made small enough, cut & past side by side...

                       Holder  ͻ    Tester
                   п   Ŀ   The tester panel
 The valve holder  ()¿()  д ~~~~~~~~~    has 6 rotary pot
 panel has 14/15   ()______()  Ĵ  `\          or switches for
 types of valve         )           ~~~~~~~~~     setting to the
 base & a large    ( )( )( )( )     db      db    electrode volts,
 9 way thumb                                       test modes, a
 wheel switch.     ( )( )( )( )     db   O   db    neon continuity
                                        (o)        test lamp & a
                   ( )( )( )( )     db . o . db    test lever.
                        [AVO VALVE TESTER} 

DO NOT use TABS as they have different widths on different apps.
   (e.g. tab = 8-10 spaces, OR goto next TAB bar if set up)

If you are describing a large circuit, then use component Numbers, not values &
make a component value table....
No  R     C     L       T     IC
1  100R  10u   88mH   BC109  LM741
2  18k   15p   10uH   BFX20  NE555
3   2R   22n   1mH
4  220k  3n3
5  100k
6   1M

If it is for a BBS bulletin, I add standard headers & tails etc....

 TITLE FOR BBS 32 ch max
 By .....                                (New  09)
 (8 Bit ASCII Graphics use code page 437 or 850 e.g. Terminal Font)

 A Tag line

 73 De ..................

If you need to put the file through an editor with a spellchecker do it now,
but note the graphics will all show as errors. Once you have finished all the
cut & pasting, tidy it up for packet by going down the right hand side & remove
all the unwanted spaces at the end of lines as these are not needed. I then
rename the file as a .BUL as the extension when it is ready to send.

Get the units/abbreviations right. e.g. Volts are V not v, Metres = m
Frequency is in Hz, kHz, MHz, & GHz not hz, KHz or mHz mhz as m=milli, gHz etc.
K = Kelvin, not k kilo. So a 12 kilo  = 12k & not a very cold 12K !
Decibels are dB not db.

The result should be a VERY compact ASCII file, ideal for Packet & easy for
your SYSOP to check & vet it before releasing the bul. And it will be quick &
easy to read on many system/platforms & in any language....

Date/Time    : 12-Oct 22:36 2004
Title        : hello
ASCII table for diagrams
By G8MNY                                     (New Aug 11)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

Most of the TECH buls use the full 8 bit graphics character set often called

Here is the full table if you can't find it on your PC, curtsey of gus i0ojj.

ASCII Character Code Page 437 (Codes 1 to 31 are control codes)

 32   33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 ' 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 ,
 45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9
 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F
 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S
 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _ 96 `
 97 a 98 b 99 c100 d101 e102 f103 g104 h105 i106 j107 k108 l109 m
110 n111 o112 p113 q114 r115 s116 t117 u118 v119 w120 x121 y122 z
123 {124 |125 }126 ~127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 ij143 144 145 146 147 148 
149 150 151 152 153 ֳ154 ܳ155 156 157 158 159 160 161 
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 ³195 ó196 ij197 ų198 Ƴ199 dz200 
201 ɳ202 ʳ203 ˳204 ̳205 ͳ206 γ207 ϳ208 г209 ѳ210 ҳ211 ӳ212 Գ213 
214 ֳ215 ׳216 س217 ٳ218 ڳ219 ۳220 ܳ221 ݳ222 ޳223 ߳224 225 ߳226 
227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 
253  254  

N.B. Not all can be used from the ALT NUM keyboard or on Packet Radio!

                            ASCII Graphic Symbols
179  196  179 186  205  186 186  196   186179  205  179 
 218 194 191 201 203 187 214 210 183 213 209 184
 195 197 180 204 206 185 199 215 182 198 216 181
 192 193 217 200 202 188 211 208 189 212 207 190

 Other codes used frequently:
  129   130   138   155   156   159   171   172   227 
  228   230   232   234   246   251    253                               

See my Tech bul on making ASCII diagarams, "Making ASCII Diagams" & "Y Extended
ASCII graphics"

Why don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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