OpenBCM V1.08-3-g9b42 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[OpenBCM Lugano JN46LA]

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Syntax: CR(ONTAB)

BCM is doing some processes from time to time. Starting time of those
processes can be defined at file "crontab.bcm". This file is shown with
command CRONTAB.

This is an example for such a file:

# Timing-File for OpenBCM-Mailbox - CRONTAB.BCM
# ranges:
# minute: 0-59    hour: 0-23     day: 1-31     month: 1-12
# weekday: 0-6    (0:sun 1:mon 2:tue 3:wed 4:thu 5:fri 6:sat)
#minute   hour  day month weekday   command
*           *     *   *     *       minute
*/5         *    *    *     *       fiveminute
0,30        *     *   *     *       halfhour
1,31        *     *   *     *       beacon
3,33        *     *   *     *       forward
5           2     *   *    1,4      postfwd
5           3     *   *     *       purge

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